The Collection

An introduction to the collection The following main categories of ammunition are represented at MTM:

-Small calibre ammunition

-Hand grenades -Rifle grenades

-Landmines -Artillery ammunition (gun and Howitzer  and..)

-Mortar ammunition

-Rockets (unguided, ballistic rocket)

-Missiles (guided rockets)

-Air delivered munitions (Aircraft bombs & cluster bombs)

-Sub munitions (cluster bomblets)

-Demolition equipment

-Pyrotechnic ammunition

-Improvised Explosive Devices (IED)

-Accessories (the silent witnesses like inert parts and packages associated with the use ammunition)

A total of about 600 tons of Free From Explosives (FFE) models are present in different conditions, assembled as complete end items, in parts and in conditions as found in realistic circumstances. In a safe environment professionals can get acquainted with these articles to be prepared for their humanitarian tasks to be performed.

Different categories can directly be associated with the humanitarian protocols concerned.